
Scorched, blackened crops near Cambridge

A Cambridge Journal, Friday 1 August 2014

by Stephen Hewitt

Close-up of blackened seed pods in a crop field near Cambridge, 1 August 2014
Blackened pods
A field of scorched-looking but not actually burnt crops near Cambridge, 1 August 2014
Scorched field near Cambridge

These photographs, taken today, show a large field of strangely scorched looking crops at Baits Bite Lock near Cambridge. It is clear though, that the field has not actually been burnt. A local resident told me that he thinks a farmer here grows bio-fuel and that there is a place for processing near Stretham, Ely.

Simultaneous green and red lights on a pedestrian crossing

A Cambridge Journal, Friday 8 August 2014

by Stephen Hewitt

Simultaneous green and red lights on a pedestrian crossing, Cambridge 2014
Pedestrian crossing with green and red lights together

This photograph, taken today on Milton Road, Cambridge, shows a pedestrian and cycle crossing illuminated green for pedestrians and cyclists on the first half and simultaneously red on the second half, without a central barrier to separate the two halves.