
Photographs of “Extinction rebellion” demonstrators and police blocking a central Cambridge street in 2019

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Fig 1. Saturday 2 March 2019. Demonstrators standing in the normally busy Mill Road in Cambridge. "CAMBRIDGE CONSCIENTIOUS PROTECTORS FOR ALL OUR FUTURES" reads one banner held by five people. "ZERO CARBON We can do it" is visible on another. (52.20205 N, 0.1321 E)

On Saturday 2 March 2019, a demonstration with dozens of people standing was blocking Mill Road in central Cambridge. (Figs 1 and 4). A banner about 5 foot long read “ZERO CARBON We can do it”. A poster held in someone's hand read “Unite to end the climate crisis”.

No police were visible at the scene. About 450 yards away a police car with a flashing blue light was parked in the centre of Mill Road and police were standing next to it. Vehicles approaching in the direction of the demonstration were turning into a side road and not proceeding down Mill Road (Fig 2). The part of Mill Road between the police and the demonstration was empty of its usual traffic (Fig. 3).

Fig 2. Saturday 2 March 2019. Police standing by a police car parked in the centre of Mill Road, with approaching vehicles turning down a side road in Cambridge (52.20023 N, 0.13675 E)
Fig 3. Saturday 2 March 2019. Part of Mill Road between the demonstration and the police, showing the absence of its usual vehicle traffic. The police car is visible here in the distance. The demonstration is in the opposite direction, behind the camera.
Fig 4. Saturday 2 March 2019. The demonstration in its surroundings, Mill Road, Cambridge (52.2024 N, 0.13137 E)
Fig 5. An A3-sized flyer from the Cambridge demonstration on Saturday 2 March 2019. Amongst other things it says "The Government must enact legally binding policy measures to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2025".. At the bottom "extinction rebellion cambridge", "" and references to Twitter and Facebook.
Fig 6. An A3-sized flyer from the Cambridge demonstration on Saturday 2 March 2019.

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